a few years back i built a library in PHP to generate results for the Alfred ScriptFilter. since then two things happened:

  • i started building kindavim.app, an app written in Swift that implements Vim key bindings for the whole macOS
  • Apple announced that it will not bundle scripting language interpreters anymore in future versions of macOS

this means that for Alfred Workflows built on top of the PHP Alfred Workflow ScriptFilter library, i would need to ask users to install PHP (and probably a specific version, and probably in a specific place). that sucks.

how to avoid this was pretty obvious: build Workflows in Swift. this plus the fact that i needed more experience in Swift (especially with building a proper test suite) for kindavim.app, results in this new Alfred Workflow ScriptFilter , in Swift and for Swift.

now, no more extra requirements needed. install the Workflows built with the Swift Alfred Workflow ScriptFilter on a supported macOS (defined by the Workflows), and they will run instantly. and here’s the first of its kind: Alfred KAT.